Commitment to Community
Convinced of the football's social transformation power among those who follow and practice it, at Federación Mexicana de Fútbol, we work to capitalize our spotlight in order to promote values, such as teamwork, fair play, respect for the rules and for our opponents. Moreover, responsibly assuming the drawing power of our institution, we focus our efforts to become a driving force of social development and promoter of women's empowerment, seeking to generate a positive impact on Mexican society.

Jugamos Todos
Jugamos Todos is an educational and sports initiation program focused on children and teenagers from 3 to 15 years old, students of the elementary education levels of our country. Its objective is to promote quality physical activity through a fun and inclusive methodology, integrated by driving action circuits. It is comprised of 3 main concepts: physical activity, health, and values.

Subastas con causa
This virtual auction initiative is aimed at raising the highest amount of funds to support several initiatives and civil society associations by offering fans worldwide the opportunity to purchase a jersey worn and signed by players called to the Main Women's and Men's Teams in official matches. The jerseys are disinfected with a UV-C light, being free of any virus or bacteria and preventing health risks for fans.

In alliance with the National Council to Prevent Discrimination (Consejo Nacional para Prevenir la Discriminación or CONAPRED, as per its acronym in Spanish) we aim at creating a collaboration strategy allowing to exchange experiences and best practices regarding the right to equality and non-discrimination in sports, jointly create training programs for our employees, and promote joint awareness activities aimed at disseminating information on discrimination problems and the obstacle it represents for the universal principles of sports and football.

Our efforts are based on a growth strategy with 3 main points: attracting talent, developing talent, and capitalizing on women's football as a vehicle for promoting empowerment and equity. Our women's football communication strategy, based on the concept #TuCanchaLaEligesTú.

We signed a collaboration agreement with the Mexican Red Cross to carry out joint activities in the area of training and awareness of health and sports issues. This includes promoting and supporting the training and specialization of referees and physiotherapists through courses, as well as the organization and development of scientific and technological research projects.

Adidas Football Collective
We joined this adidas initiative to offer first-class training to coaches through the National Training System and Futbolimetro, organize an inter-field event to promote the practice of Our Football with the support of the Amateur Sector, and implement the Jugamos Todos methodology in the communities, strengthening the values of our sport in Mexican children.

We constantly create social campaigns addressing main issues arising in our society. For example, in 2020/2021, we made several efforts regarding COVID-19 by urging society to follow health care recommendations, generating more than 300 million printouts, and establishing important alliances with other sports and business partners to join different fund-raising and support activities.