Liga MX Femenil U-18. Disciplinary Report: Week 18


Liga MX Femenil U-18. Disciplinary Report: Week 18

The Disciplinary Committee releases the report of sanctioned players and members of the coaching staff after the match of the week 18 of the Clausura 2023 of Liga MX Femenil U-18

Aurora Margarita Suárez Hernández

Unsporting behaviour. (Yellow card)

Lorena Galindo Pozo

Acting in a provocative or inflammatory manner. (Yellow card)

Joselin Muñoz Padilla

Unsporting behaviour. (Yellow card)

Ximena Viñolas Hernández

Guilty of violent conduct. (Red card)
1 games suspended

Ximena Arellano Olalde

Unsporting behaviour. (Yellow card)

Lara Isabel Cruz Gómez

Unsporting behaviour. (Yellow card)

Marlen Gómez Sandoval

Unsporting behaviour. (Yellow card)

Maya Sahara Navarro Aspeitia

Unsporting behaviour. (Yellow card)

Arely Montserrat Frausto Méndez

Delaying the restart of play. (Yellow card)

Alexa Gabriela Hernández Ponce

El Jugador profesional que por Reglamento acumule las primeras 5 amonestaciones en un Torneo Oficial, debido a las faltas establecidas en el artículo 15 causarán un partido de suspensión mas una multa de 60 UMAs.
1 games suspended

Maria Monserrat Castillo Ibarra

Unsporting behaviour. (Yellow card)

Paulina Ramos Santos

Unsporting behaviour. (Yellow card)

Fatima Leon Huerta

Unsporting behaviour. (Yellow card)

Andrea Flores Olvera

Dissent by word or action. (Yellow card)

Paola Ximena Pérez Luna

Unsporting behaviour. (Yellow card)

Fatima Leon Huerta

Second caution card in the same match. (Red card)
1 games suspended

Karla Leticia Cuahtepitzi González

Unsporting behaviour. (Yellow card)

Cheyli Yuset Almejo Foglia

Acting in a provocative or inflammatory manner. (Yellow card)

Brenda Vega Garcia

Unsporting behaviour. (Yellow card)

Briseida Jisette Velasquez Hernandez

Unsporting behaviour. (Yellow card)

Daniela Gallegos Zozaya

Delaying the restart of play. (Yellow card)

Karola Quintos Galván

Unsporting behaviour. (Yellow card)

África Mayte Guerrero Valenzuela

Delaying the restart of play. (Yellow card)

Disciplinary Committee